Sunday 19 April 2015

Ongoing work

Here's the ongoing work with the Great Northern War stuff.  

Mostly this is just the first wash of the uniform coat.  I was going to carry on with lining round the belts and cuffs and so on, but my brain turned towards commercial washes or inks.  Up till now I've always been DIY on washes.  I asked some friends and got good suggestions, and so I sent off for Vallejo washes and Army Painter inks.  I'll push ahead with the Swedes where I've done most of the painting and leave the rest till the washes and inks arrive.  Then I'll do some experiments.      

At the front of the picture are the first measuring sticks to use with Maurice.  Each space is 30mm, a base-width.  Just for the fun of it, I'm making yellow and blue sticks for the Swedes and Red, Blue, White and Green for the Russians.         

Finally, the Swedes on which most has been done.  Hopefully I'll get these done in the next week.  When I'm doing these I'm thinking about the colour combination of uniforms and standards, so 3 of the units below will have yellow facings, but one will have red and the flag of the Narke-Varmlands regiment.      

1 comment:

  1. Looking good and I really like the colour coded measuring sticks, fantastic idea.


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