Monday 23 August 2021

More on French and Indian Wars highlanders.

Further to last post on the French and Indian Wars highlanders, here is the stage by stage painting.

I thought I'd have a crack with Contrast Paints, just to see what was possible. 

The red was OK but I didn't like the blues I had, so I went back to usual acrylics. The blue here is Vallejo's Intense Blue.  

Incidentally, I decided to do the cuff facings blue, even though I know the Black Watch were not appointed a Royal regiment till after their valiant performance at Ticonderoga. Before that the facings were buff.  

Also, of minor historical interest, is the regimental number was initially the 43rd foot and this lasted for the first 10 years of its regimental existence. Then, when a lower numbered regiment mutinied and was disbanded, the higher numbered regiments all moved up one, and the Black Watch became it's much more famous number, the 42nd, the 'forty-twa'. 

I'm not sure if it's obvious from the last photo, but the kilts are missing the multiple pleats / folds at the back. So I tried just painting them on. 

Here, the kilts are starting to look better and I've decided to paint the uniform jackets red. I tried contrast paint on the leggings, but decided to add a layer or two on top.  

And this is basically the figures nearly done. Just some tidying up and the metallic to do at this stage. 

And so, repeat pictures of the finished articles. 

More later ... 

1 comment:

  1. I have the old version of M&T , a good fun game. Your figures are looking great and I look forward to hearing about your 3d printing...


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