Monday 23 August 2021

first posts in a long time

It's way past time I was posting. So I'll post a few pictures of activities, generally going backwards.

Here's my latest activity.  I played a couple of games of the new glossy version of Muskets and Tomahawks with friends. They were good games and a friend bought the British for the French-Indian War.  Some of the figures looked nice so I offered to paint the highlanders and the friend gave me the figures to take away.

To cut a long story short, here are the finished figures. I'll leave the finishing of the bases to my friend. 

Now, one of the things to emerge from this exercise, is a little personal moan - why is it that some sculptors just do not understand the kilt or the way that it hangs or moves. It seems to me that some sculptors assume a kilt is like a skirt and graft on the bottom of a Roman or Greek tunic, or indeed a skirt, onto a British uniform top and think job done.

But no, the back of the kilt has a smooth front but pleats at the back, a deliberate series of folds that allow for easier movement. It's been there since the 18th century. 

Sadly, these FIW highlanders had a smooth tunic type thing all the way round, so I tried to paint on the deep folds at the rear. I think I was reasonable successful. If they had been my figures I would have tried to sculpt or carve folds, but as it was I tried my best with paint. 

Bah humbug, och aye, ye ken...  

My other major activity of recent times has been 3D printing, so I'll post more on that later.

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