Sunday 2 June 2024

More adventures in 3D and other projects

I have been busy I with game stuff but lazy with pictures and posting. Here is some recent activity. 

First some 3d 28mm bronze age infantry. The figures are from Red Copper miniatures. Chaps at the club gave me the money to buy the files and print stuff for them, with them then paying for the cost of the resin. As a side project I started a Canaanite army for myself. 

The "28mm" prints are actually 32mm heroic, so I scaled them down to match the 25mm-28mm bronze age armies chaps at the club already have. 

And grouped together. The effect I'm after here is a kind of huddled mob or organised rabble.  

And some other 3D stuff. These are 10mm fantasy from Forest Dragon. Dark Elves cold ones - essentially heavy cavalry. 

Yet another side project. Northern Barbarians from Francesca Muscemi (once of Artisan Guild). They are 32mm heroic so are about 35mm tall. I liked the riders on the sabre tooth tigers. I've a bit more work to finish them.  

More 10mm fantasy, this time Tomb Kings from Greenskin Miniatures. It's a project that was a nice idea at the time, but after some games of Warmaster Revolution I realised they were not for me. They'll be heading to an ebay soon. 

Some tests of a batch of Vallejo Xpress paints on some Lord of the Rings style figures. It was just to see what the paints were like straight from the bottle. 

And finally, an ongoing side project to refresh the basing on a lot of my 15mm Napoleonics. These are Essex figures. The idea was to add a lot more greenery to the bases and touch up the paint where the wee chaps had got a bit chipped and bashed marching over tabletops for many years. 

This coming Thursday is June 6th so an old friend and myself will be playing the boardgame Breakout:Normandy. We'll play on June 6th and then pick up and carry on on June 13th. 

Hopefully more soon. 

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