I managed to make a bit of a start on the plastic Wars of Roses figures for Lion Rampant. This is not a colour basecoat or the finished article; just me splashing on some paint to get idea the colour combinations I want to use, particularly with the livery. My focus is Yorkist units, my usual with my WoR armies.
I reckon I will do 2 slightly different liveries of 6 figures in each 12 figure archer unit. This group will likely be blue / yellow and white / blue (the first colour is on the right side). I want to use a combination of reds on the other 12 archers, but I've not yet decided the livery. I don't think I want to use the blue / maury combination of Edward IV and co. I still have a couple of little books of WoR liveries and flags that I got many years ago - I think from the Lance and Longbow society. They are good to look through, but so many nice combinations make deciding on liveries for 6 or 12 figures a bit tricky.
I gave the men-at-arms a thin black wash to highlight the detail on the armour. Trendy 'tinternet paint-heads probably call this pre-shading or something similar.
At first I thought the bills would be in the livery of Warwick, but there's not a lot of surface to do the ragged staff. Then I decided to paint the sleeves red but painted the jacks brown - it wasn't looking that good side by side, so the sleeves got a coat of white. I'll think again about colours for the bills.
I finished off the basing for the generals. Here are the finished figures.
In the background of the first two photos are the horses for the final unit of British dragoons. That's likely to be the next batch of figures I paint. Otherwise, waiting in the wings are more British infantry. More later ...
So I wasn't really planning on any fresh projects as I've been having a clear-out. But then I played Lion Rampant at the club in the week before Claymore. It's a great game, and so I bought some Perry plastics at the show and set about preparing them. Here's the story so far. First the bare plastic figures on circular 25mm mdf bases with sand glued down for texture.
Then given a good undercoat of white. Everything here is enough for my late English / WoR force - 1 men at arms unit, 1 unit of bills and 2 units of expert archers.
And then just in case I want some variation, some mounted men at arms and serjeants, crossbows and bidower skirmishers. All this lot should give me plenty options and let me field a Free Company or Burgundians, Germans or Italians of the era.
Circumstances have meant I didn't get too much painting done recently, but I did get two British heavy cavalry units done and the generals almost finished. Here's the pictures. The 1st Royals and the 2nd Scots Greys. (The Iniskillings are waiting in the wings).
And the generals. A lot of scarlet and some gold, but not too much flashiness as we're British, don't-cha-know. In the background are horses for the generals, some artillery train chaps and the Iniskillings.
I hope to get the generals finished by the end of the week. More later.